On Jul 15, 2007, at 7:35 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sat, 14 Jul 2007 21:23:50 -0500, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I've just uploaded my version of the MetaCard Setup stack to the
MC_IDE area on Yahoo Groups:


WOW, awesome !! Great work Jacque.

Some notes:

1. May be on Mac OS it makes sense to open Tools palette by default on startup as well ?

on startup
  if the version >="2.7" then
    start using stack "mctools.mc"
    if the platform <> "MacOS" then
      palette "mctools.mc"
        ELSE ---------     new line !
      palette "tools" -- new line !
    end if
    set the defaultStack to "Home"
    reset cursors
  end if
  pass startup
end startup

While I'm on this, may be it makes sense to remember positions of stacks "home", "MCtools" and "Control browser" ? It's easy to position this stacks in your preferable place and save them, but it would be still nice to have this automated.

2. May be makes sense to add keyboard shortcuts for "new stack" and to show / hide "control browser" ? I have "command + N" for new stack and "command + B" for control browser and it's convenient in my personal experience. note: to make command + N work I had to disable the following lines in fld "Message Field" of stack "Message Box"

  # if which is "P"
  # then prevline
  # if which is "N"
  # then nextline

I use arrow keys for prevline and NextLine in msg box anyway.

3) How about standalone building ?

It seems Jacque's stack would not move runtimes along with Dev engine.
I tried to build standalone by pointing "MC standalone builder.." to runtime engine in Rev Enterprise" folder, but got the error.
standalone was created BTW but could not be launched.
I just did a brief check, never tried to investigate the issue yet, but generally speaking, do we still need to manually move Rev runtime engines to MC IDE folder and rename them to build standalone in MC IDE?

4) When I tried to save "home" stack in MC IDE created with "metacard_setup" I got "can't open stack backup file" error. Recently I'm getting such error from time to time in my version of MC IDE as well, so it may have something with my computer configuration (I still have panther on this particular computer). Just curious if anybody saw such error recently. In my case, second attempt to save is always successful but after the error I usually see renamed copy of "mctools.mc" stack in the root folder and the filename is either arbitrary letter "c" or "f" etc or the digit "0" or "9", or "7" etc. It looks almost like new engine bug where engine can't create "~" + filename BackUp of opened stack in MC IDE.

5) Recently Ken and Richard made a cool discovery that by placing "Home" and "McTools.mc" stacks into folder with Rev IDE would launch Rev engine in MC IDE. I tried and it worked with no noticeable problems. While Jacque's solution is superior of course, just curious, for "quick and dirty" solution, any side effects for this way of launching MC IDE that anybody noticed?

best regards

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