
The ".." and "." folders aren't actual folders - they are just symbolic. Thus there is nothing to delete. Problems deleting regular folders is another story, but the "." and ".." entries shouldn't be the source of your problem.

If you are really stuck in Transcript land, you could try using shell() to call through to the command-line where things behave like you are accustomed to? If you use "rm" on the command line (UNIX / Linux / MacOS X), there are options to recurse and force delete everything:

rm -rf /path/to/my/folder

Hope that helps.

Hello y'all,

I'm trying to script MetaCard 2.5 so that it can DELETE a FOLDER. But it just doesn't work, no matter what I try. Given my experience with the command-line in DOS and in UNIX, I know that one cannot delete a folder that has something *in* it. So I tried emptying the files in my to-be-deleted folder. This works fine, for the visible files but one-or-more of the *invisible* files are hard to get-rid- of, namely "icon%OD" or just "icon" ... it varies!

I think I have managed to empty all of the files from my to-be- deleted folder but it also contains an invisible folder, e.g. "..". From my CLI experience I know that this is what one types in order to go UP one-level in the hierarchy of the filesystem, e.g. next- folder-up. But I can't seem to DELETE it ! It's like I'm not-allowed to do it. Do I need to set the access-priviledges to 777 or something? I test-for the existence of this ".." folder, BEFORE +AFTER trying to delete it, and confirms the existence of this folder in BOTH cases ; IOW, the folder was NOT deleted!!!

I even tried setting the directory one-level-up so that the system is in a location that will still exist once I delete the folder the system used to be in .. again from my CLI experience.

So what gives ?? Can we delete folders or not ??

Please HELP me if you can, I'm feeling down_own_own. And I would appreciate you being around_own_own ... won't you PLEASE, please, PLEASE help me, help me HELP-me .... ou hou ! ;-)

on deleteFolder folderPath
-- insert your handler here!  :-)
end deleteFolder


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Brian Yennie
QLD Learning

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