Hi friends of MetaCard,

I know that you are out there, step into the light please :-)

Von: Klaus Major <kl...@major-k.de>
Datum: 27. März 2009 11:44:30 MEZ
An: MetaCard List <metacard@lists.runrev.com>
Betreff: Shortcuts in Script Editor with engine 3.5
Antwort an: Discussions on Metacard <metacard@lists.runrev.com>

Hi dear MC users,

I noticed that with engine 3.5 the shortcuts e.g. the script editor like CMD-M or "CMD-F"
etc. do not work anymore?

The shortcuts are apparently directed to the "MC Menubar" and CMD-M will open/close the message box, CMD-F will open the MC "Find" dialog and NOT the script find dialog.

This did work with 3.0.

Someone else noticed this?

I only got one response to my important question, thanks Hugh.
Could you please check this and give a short notice?

I need to know for the next release of the MC IDE and act accordingly if necessary. Maybe I will add some buttons and/or change the shortcuts or any other workaround
if there is any.

Hints very welcome! Thanks!

I already created a palette for the new datagrid and will relase this as a plug-in on the weekend (hopefully, since I have a gigantic cold, pass me the hankies...)

Later I will try to implement this into the properties palette but that may require that
I make this palette a bit higher, from 208 pixel to 264.

I think we can live with this if I also make some changes to e.g. the field "Tooltip" so we can finally enter more than one line and maybe add a "antialias" for graphics.

Although I personally do not have any need fo not antialiased graphics, I am sure someone
may find this usefull :-)

Any volunteers for a gradient palette?



Klaus Major

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