I'm continuing to use the same subject heading, but my initial thoughts about 
"My First Piece" were more along the lines of sex and guns. Is my Freudian 
slip showing? 

Like Bernd, as a child I shivered Christmas night in freezing northern climes 
with my new present, a telescope. As far as space rocks went, they fell on 
August 13 if you were allowed to stay up late. Museums owned meteorites, not 

A few years ago I was looking at USA Today while sitting on a beach in Mexico 
and read a story about the first "Natural History Auction" being put on by 
Phillip's in NYC. According to the story, a piece of Mars, "the Zagami 
meteorite" was being offered. The manufacturers suggested retail value for 15 
kg was "$2,200". A typo, but what did I know. One could own a real piece of 
planet Mars?! Get out-of-here!

Rather than bid at the auction - the "winner" being the one who wants to pay 
the highest price - I decided to track down the owner and buy direct.

"Hello, bro!" was the way Bob greeted me on the phone when I introduced 
myself and told him that I wanted to buy some Zagami "if he had any left." 

He did. "Do you know what price Zagami brought in a NY auction yesterday? 
$500 a gram! I'm rich". 

"You're a lucky man today" Bob went on. "I've got a beautiful 7 gm slice 
sitting right in front of me. Wow! Look at that shock vein! It's got an edge 
of shiny black crust......Killer, Man!!! You'll love it!"

"Sounds good, Bob. How much?"

"Well, I told you that it's your lucky day, man. You're the last person I'm 
selling any to for the low price of $200 a gram."  I felt lucky, worried (who 
exactly was I sending $1,400 to?) and giddy. What do you exactly DO with a 
"slice" (?) of Mars? How big is 7 gms.?

Not even waiting for it's arrival from Tucson, a few days later I bought 
another "4.1" grams of Zagami from Russ Kempton (I don't think Bob was into 
close measurements in those days, he just rounded down). I wanted to "get 
more before they ran out."

My next purchase included (yes, at auction.....see what madness meteorites 
bring) 1.8gms of Nakhla (no dogs allowed).

And through this serendipity, MARSROX was born.

Happiest New Year, health, peace and prosperity to all,

Kevin Kichinka

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