Hi there,
You said...
>I can sense a new passion in the making and I hate to see it possibly
>squelched by attitude problems amongst the regulars here.

>If you can't say something thing nice, say nothing 'till such
>opportunity arises.  Fondle your rocks for a while.

I take on board what you say, but I do have to defend the expression
"attitude problem" which I presume relates to my admittedly rather
inappropriate flame towards Mohamed.

As you have been a subscriber to this list you have watched how this has
developed and also hopefully noticed that also I do not have a tendency to
contribute to the list in such a negative manner.

I was upset for good reason as I felt that despite being asked for advice
from some listees, who are undeniable world experts, their response  was
being regarded as some sort of second class reference and that Mohamed was
just using the List for a vehicle for his ego and no display of deference
shown to their expertise.

You may recall that one of the list members actually tried to justify the
somewhat terse nature of his email by explaining that there may be a
language barrier problem and not to judge to harshly, to which Mohamed
replied that no, he was being terse and that he thought that we all
collectively wrong and he was undeniably right. I personally thought that
was extremely rude   - now THAT is what I call an attitude problem.
I hope that I haven;t offended you either - I just wanted to clarify things,
and yes, I did play with my rocks for solace!

But thanks anyway for your observations - it makes us all better and more
tolerant people and boy, do we need that in the world today!

very best!


In gentle decay,



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However, it won't fit into my signature file...."

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