Mr Mohamed

I repeat, if this is really meteorites, please show in
the site or in attachment the analysis of this
meteorites, where they have been analyzed, in that
Institute or University, their escape in the
Meteoritical Bulletin and all the possible
information. If not you have to disposition this
information, sorry but nobody will believe that these
your pieces are meteorites - and I can confirm
otherwise that it they are not -, enough with these
messages why they begin to bother.


--- DiamondMeteor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is amazing how you can trace things, are you FBI,
> CIA, MOSAD, GISTABOOOO,,, or what?
> You are really strange people. You must be some kind
> of a new meteorite I have to discover yet!
> But it is no secrets you are telling. It is me who
> published the website and gave you the link.
> Oh I dont know why I replied to such naive emails
> after I decided not to. But since I did, I just want
> to say that others who wrote such irritating emails
> are not worth the press of the mouse on the reply
> botton. They are not worth any bad word I may say
> though I am sure it will upset me more when I say
> it. I dont get myself down to their level.
> With my kind respect to all others on the list, even
> those who "misunderstood" me in one way or another.
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   To: Robert & Wendi Beauford ;
>   Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 7:25 PM
>   Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] twit
>   Mohamed, Robert and All, 
>   Robert is correct! I did a search on "Google" for
> "DiamondMeteor".  Mr. Yousef has been trying to get
> buyers to "resrve a piece of this meteorite" for
> awhile. ("Google" makes CACHED snapshots.) 
>   He thoughtfully changed his web site just for our
> benefit. Or perhaps he just packs up his "tent" by
> making a slight address changes. 
>           Mohamed, if "registration and formal
> classifcation of the meteorite are underway", why
> are you asking the List if they are "meteorites?" 
> Is that how you formally classify them?  Did you
> actually get money for any "pieces?"   I can't say
> for sure, but it looks like you're blowing your
> chance to become an IMCA member.... 
>   Still Amazed, 
>   Ken Newton 
>   P.S. Jake, I'll take the board game and the two
> videos. 
>   Robert & Wendi Beauford wrote: 
>     I didn't think it was amusing ~a year ago when I
> first saw this absurd 
>     website with it's collection of interesting
> minerals set up for sale as 
>     meteorites in what appears to be an lame attempt
> at fraud. And I can't say 
>     that I still don't find it amusing, because now
> I truly do! 
>     This is not the fresh excitement of a person
> with a very looong learning 
>     curve.  It is either a very very good practical
> joke (and kudos to whoever 
>     if it is!) or one of the least impressive people
> I have ever encountered. 
>     (You should have met the biblical inerancy guy
> who came by my garage sale 
>     and explained dinosaurs, the nature of the
> fossil record, human origins, and 
>     his views on planetary atmospheres to me the
> other day.  I was careful not 
>     to encourage him by hinting any interest in the
> topics so he wound down 
>     after only 20 minutes.) 
>     -Robert Beauford  : ) 
>     > From: "DiamondMeteor"
>     > To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>     > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] lunar? 
>     > Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 00:13:48 +0400 
>     > 
>     > Dear Dave and List; 
>     > Sorry if my posts are irritating you so much;
> but I dont see why!!! 
>     > I promise I will not post anything about my
> METEORITES until I get them 
>     > certified. 
>     > The white regions in the last pictures are NOT
> calcite at all. Besides, 
>     > there is a clear fusion crust that maybe not
> seen well in the picture 
>     > because the bulk is also black. I forgot to
> tell you that the rock is a 
>     > little magnetic, 
>     > though this is not common for lunar
> meteorites. 
>     > The REAL expert that I am talking about is
> someone who had tested many of 
>     > the known lunar meteorites 
>     > and rocks before, including those brought back
> by Apollo. 
>     > Remember that I am searching in Oman where
> quite a few lunar meteorites 
>     had 
>     > been 
>     > found before. 
>     > You will see soon that all these three types
> of rocks are lunar. Including 
>     > the last 
>     > one that would be the first of its kind. 
>     >
>     >
>     >
>     > 
>     > Good Byeee 
>     > Mohamed 
>     ______________________________________________ 
>     Meteorite-list mailing list 

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