The strewnfield data will be disclosed to the meteoritical society soon. I need to make another trip to finish up some stuff over there.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tettenborn
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 7:01 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] CR2s a temporary bargain

You also stated that you were mapping the strewn field.  Can you make this map available now that the field has been cleaned?  This would make your cache even more valuable.
Now all the people thumbing there noses at NWA's will have to pause and consider this find with a known location of quantifiable and gorgeous material.  
Many collectors have been blessed with the NWA meteorite rush with many now having material only found in museums 3 years ago.  The worlds museums have also been blessed.  I have seen what David has contributed to the Royal Ontario Museum and the quantity and beauty of what he has given is astounding.  The R.O.M. is extremely grateful.
tett (Mike Tettenborn)
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 1:07 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] CR2s a temporary bargain

I was in the strewnfield four days ago.
Mike Farmer
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2002 12:42 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] CR2s a temporary bargain

Dear List
     I am one of about 4 dealers who bought up CR2s in Morroco.We all shared our good fortune with friends, collectors and Ebay buyers.This however was a very temporary opportunity which will never be seen again. Dean Bessy allowed collectors for a once in a lifetime chance at letting them have CR2s at $23 a gram. People who would never have dreamed one year ago at such an opportunity, now proudly display their CR2s and are expanding their collections.He will sell out at Tucson leaving only three of us with the lion's share of this find. The strewn field is small and totally worked over.Those of us left will never after Tucson let this rare material sell for under $100 a gram.I probably control half of the fall and will personally keep or donate it to the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto , Canada. [ about4,000+ grams]. Thus supply and demand kick in and those that have it are in no hurry to sell it at low prices after Feb. 2002. For those that bought CR2s from Dean, Congratulations on the great deal. For those who didn't it's highly unlikely you will ever be offered this gift again, which was more of a temporary parntnership to help offset Deans investment.Dean has done well by buying from the source and adding a bit of a mark up. He is providing material today that we could only have dreamed of a year ago at affordable prices. He has helped to expand the base of our collecting community and is an asset to us.Those who bought in the past at high prices should not worry. The material is limited and will continue to sell to high prices in the future. Best regards David Gregory 

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