Here's what we know:
Michael Casper is arrogant and pompous.  We all know that.
Michael Farmer does not get along with Michael Casper and can't walk away from a good fight.  We all know that.
We all know that each and every one of us has a slightly different opinion of this, that, and the other thing.
And I think most of us would agree that this is way too much email entitled "NWA..." which has absolutely nothing to do with meteorites and everything to do with penis length, be it hearsay or fact.
Here's what we have forgotten:
What it was like to see a good old fashioned email brawl !!!  I got $100 on Farmer!
No seriously, can we engage in some constructive meteorite conversation?
George Nicula
"Float like an animated gif and sting like an error message"

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