I believe that this post and the author's follow-ups violate list rules that the discussions here only relate to meteorites. Simply putting the word "meteorite" into a religious spew does not make it a meteorite discussion. This is quite obviously a religious post and it HAS NO PLACE HERE.

I've been a member of several lists like this one which were ruined when some joker hijacked it for his own personal proselytizing purposes.

Can we boot this guy before it goes any further?

P.S. to Mr. Nowak: You do not further your cause by breaking clear and obvious list rules, being rude, and showing yourself to be a fool (in religious language, this is called "being a bad witness"). If you want to discuss the "Appearance of Age" theory, take it to the proper place and leave the rest of us alone to discuss meteorites. (I could say a _lot_ about your silly theory and demolish it on rhetorical, scientific, and religious levels, but this is not the place for doing that.)

>Message: 1
>Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 15:14:14 -0800 (PST)
>From: Rick Nowak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorites and Creation
>Meteorites you say are older then the Earth and
>billions of years old............
>When God created a rock he created age with the rock
>yet it was only 1 second old
>When God created Adam and Eve they where around 25 yet
>they where only 1 second old.
>The Holy Grail of meteorites would be the one that
>brought life to this planet. No that will never happen
>read the book of Genesis instead.
>I am not here to force religion down anyone. Besides I
>hate religion rather a reltionship with God is what
>it's about. I'am Educated in Creation/Evolution and I
>thought I would share a creationist

Bob Martino Can you really name a star?

"I look up to the heavens
but night has clouded over
no spark of constellation
no Vela no Orion." -Enya

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