If you are going to tout religon and try to discredit NASA you could at
least use a spell checker and the correct version of the words you are
trying to use. Closest not closet...there not their...wannabe not wanbe.

No one here is going to stop you from posting your opinions, I for one do
not wish to hear anymore of the religous portions of your posts...we are
talking science here. I would just like to see it stay that way.

Get with the program.

Mark M.
Phoenix AZ
----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Nowak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2002 11:12 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] "The Holy Grail Meteorite"

> I recall Robert Haag stating he would give away his
> whole meteorite collection for "The Holy Grail
> Meteorite" I also recall him stating his collection
> was worth $25 million. Nasa was the closet to the
> Grail. Their wanbe life mars rock turned out to be a
> dead lifeless rock. I think it was a public stunt to
> get us hocked on the idea of life on Mars so let's go
> to Mars. Never will "The Holy Grail Meteorite" be
> found. If you think otherwise I will get MOH going on
> the idea............
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