I would hypothesize that there is no great difference between dreaming @ nite and death, ..............but between death and waking awarness, a great chasym can be beheld...............
Just my and Juan Matas' opinion.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Casper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, February 07, 2002 1:31 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] ppppparadoxxxxx

I know that God exists because HE has talked to me when I have listened.  I have also had communication with the ones that call themselves "The Ancient Ones".   No I am not a basket case.....at least not yet.   Clue in Life: Seek and you Shall Find,  Ask and it Shall be Given.  Find What? Given What?  Seeking and Asking can be dangerous!
I would go to the list with this message but there are those that are afraid of a God.  Many people only seek GOD because they are afraid.....of death.   For me there is not death....I am immortal....maybe not the I am now....but nevertheless immortal.   By the same token I don't understand LIFE as we call it.  For me there isn't a separation.
     If you wish to go to the list with a reply, I don't mind whatsoever. I challenge you to. Let's continue this thread.  Sincerely,  Michael Casper, Ithaca, NY

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