... in the MAPS 37-1, 2002 Jan. issue!

a) in an article by Jeff et al. (p. 52 and p. 58):

GROSSMAN J.N. et al. (2002) Zoned chondrules in Semar-
kona: Evidence for high- and low-temperature processing.
(MAPS 37-1, 2002, pp. 049-073)

b) in an article by A.N. Krot et al. (pp. 94-99):

KROT A.N. et al. (2002) Anorthite-rich chondrules in CR and CH
carbonaceous chondrites: Genetic link between calcium-aluminum-
rich inclusions and ferromagnesian chondrules.
(MAPS 37-1, 2002, pp. 091-111)



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