Hello Listees, Martians, Nakhla Dogs (dead or alive :-)

Just a quick heads-up! All of us will probably have read
or have heard of:

McSWEEN H.Y. Jr. (1994) What we have learned about Mars from
SNC meteorites (Invited Review in Meteoritics 29-6, 1994 November
pp. 757-779).

And now, there is another epochal paper by H.Y. McSween after his
in-depth, comprehensive treatise on SNCs in 1994. More than 14 pages,
4 pages of references, numerous figures + 1 table:

McSWEEN H.Y. Jr. (2002) The Leonard Medal Address: The rocks
of Mars, from far and near (MAPS 37-1, 2002, pp. 007-025).

Here is a breakdown of the contents:

- Abstract
- Introduction
- Age and structure of the Martian crust: Geologic Context
- Is SNC sampling chronologically representative?
- Volume of the crust from Martian meteorites
- Composition of the Martian Crust: Geologic Context
- Composition of the Crust from Martian Meteorites
- Magmatic processes that affected SNC meteorites
- Composition and dynamics of the Martian interior: Geologic Context
- Mantle and core compositions from Martian meteorites
- Mantle and core evolution and dynamics from Martian meteorites
- Mars degassing, hydrogeology, and weathering: Geologic Context
- Volatile inventory and degassing from Martian meteorites
- Fluid-rock interactions in Martian meteorites
- Summary
- References



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