Hi Jake,

> Hello all; Does anyone (Bernd?) know in which Meteoritical
> bulletin (the number) I would find Cumberland Falls ?

I think the fall is too old to have been in the Meteoritical Bulletin.
>From the Catalogue of Meteorites we have:

Description:  Proc. U.S. Nat., 1920, Vol. 57, pg. 97
Recovery information:  Science, 1919, Vol. 49, pg. 541
Petrology:  Min. Mag., 1977, Vol. 41, pg. 201

more recent publications discussing oxygen isotopic composition:

Proc. 11th LPSC, 1980, pg. 1145
Proc. 15th LPSC, 1984, Vol. 89, pg. C245 (JGR Suppl.)
GCA, 1996, Vol. 60, pg. 1999

Finall, fusion crust (M.J. Genge & M.M. Grady), MAPS, 1999, Vol. 34,
page 341.


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