
If *ANYONE* has a claim to a meteorite in a museum in the United States it
would be the nation of Greenland.  The natives there clearly knew of
Ahnighito and venerated it as a sacred object before Perry absconded with
it (No such proof exists for Willamette, to my knowledge).  If the
Greenland government demanded that Cape York be returned, I for one would
strongly support their claim (albeit saddened at the loss to my country).
For the Opportunistic Historical Revisionist Indian Tribes, however, I feel
quite the opposite.  Being culturally sensitive is one thing, but giving in
to Politically Correct cultural extortion is something else.

Of course, you are all free to disagree.  And those who own pieces of
Willamette are free to do with them what they want.  I just wish that they
would want to send a free pound or two my way.  :)

Bob Martino                        Can you really name a star?
"I look up to the heavens
 but night has clouded over
 no spark of constellation
 no Vela no Orion."          -Enya

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