>Here is another one that crossed my mind. If light
>travels 186000000 miles per second. How long will it
>take in TIME for light to travel 3/8 of an inch???
Rick, please reformulate your query in metric system and any schoolboy (at
least european ) can answer....
Metric system was designed more than two centuries ago by some bright
people (mostly french!); it has saved innumerable time and mental energy
since for billions of people. May be you should try it!

Prof. P. Rochette
 CEREGE  University of Aix-Marseille 3
BP 80, Europôle de l'Arbois
13545 Aix en Provence Cedex 4 FRANCE
Tel : 04 42 97 15 62  Fax : 04 42 97 15 95  

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