This was found in Wyandot County Ohio in May of 2001
and was sent to me by a John Ward.
The stone in question has NO magnet attraction. Due to
it’s oriented shape color and texture of other
meteorites I have seen I did not want to declare this
not a meteorite when in fact it could well be. Each
side of this stone is very smooth including the front
that has a nipple then a ring around the base of the
nipple.Their are no sharp cuts etc. The stone is no
bigger than a quarter yet weighs more than it should
for it’s size. He found the stone buried with ¾ of
it’s mass in the ground and just the end sticking out.
The problem is if I break this thing up I would
destroy it’s unique beauty. Since their would be no
metal inside a nickel test would be inclusive. If
anyone has any idea what this could be or where it can
be sent for testing let me know.Image avaible at

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