hello all

Then, this is a small reassumed of the situation:

After my demand care greater information on the
meteorite Eagle Butte, this personage has said to me
that the meteorite had been found in the place
described in the first email that I have sent to you.
To my second answer, informing that it did not turn
out in the Catalogue of Meteorites this meteorite and
that ne I wanted to know more, the person has sended
the first email to me: 

Hey, IDIOT! Are you telling me that the University of
Calgary and a university in Miami not to mention
myself (having a PhD in Geology/Paleontology and a BSc
with a major in Astrophysics) are liars? I know this
guy very well and have seen the meteorites first hand.
They are genuine! ALSO, he does not require a permit
to sell them, I talked to the government of Alberta
for him to obtain all the necessary documents needed
to sell, THERE WERE NONE REQUIRED! If you would like
to contact them yourself, go ahead. As far as I am
concerned if you do not stop contacting all of his
buyers I will have you suspended from eBay. I have
studied the area from which these meteorites were
collected, if you knew what a map looked like you
would see the astrobleme for yourself (considering you
know what the hell an astrobleme is). If you know how
to read coordinates the site is located at Lat.49.70,
Long. 110.58 on the Alberta Geological Survey's
Geological map of Alberta, you can find this map on
the Alberta Geological Surveys Web site, I'd send you
the link but I have no patients for people who speak
before they think or RESEARCH!!!!! Another note, you
addressed the e-mail you sent me "Dear Sir", well
unless I've grown a penis in the time it's taken you
to get your small minded theories on to an e-mail to
irritate people you don't even know and make a
complete ass out of yourself, I prefer to be called
"Dr. or Ma'am". You have no idea how stupid you sound.
These meteorites are for real so I suggest you get a
life and find another hobby, maybe something you're
good at, because you obviously can't tell genuine
material from the empty space in your head. One more
thing, IF it were illegal to sell these items on
e-Bay, e-Bay would have sent notification of such, not
only this but there are numerous Professors,
Geologists, Paleontologists, etc., etc. who watch
e-Bay like hawks to ensure that Alberta's protected
resources are not being sold illegally over the
internet. A good friend and collegue of mine has
contacted this seller to let him know that he was not
to sell some of his other items due to protectability
under the Alberta Government, for example, dinosaur
bones I believe you notably criticized as being
'cattle bones' (if my recollection serves me
correctly). This seller has sent me numerous copies of
your rediculous e-mails, I gave him all the
information he needed to deal with your sorry ass and
now you're taking up my time. I write this letter not
as a professional but as a friend, so please, don't go
opening your big mouth to people you don't know, when
you don't know what you are talking about; that is
unless you enjoy making an ass out of yourself. 
Do not try to contact me again, I WILL have you
suspended from e-Bay for harassment of buyers and
obstruction of a sellers auctions.
T.L. Schimpf, PhD. BSc.

To mine third demand for why this behavior, the kind
Miss. has sent me the second email: 

HARASSING ME YOU SICK-O. I will now be contacting
e-Bay about you and you
WILL be suspended. Are you hearing impaired or what
because you sound worse
than a two year old. Also, the Eagle "BUTTE" (not
Button) Astrobleme is not
a meteorite, it is the impact site of the meteorite. I
really want to know
what makes you so sure that this rock that my friend
excavated is not a
meteorite when he went through testing proceedures for
over a year to make
absolutely sure that's what it was. Not only that, but
to sit on your pompas
ass and call me a liar. I am part of a highly elite
team of experts that
explores and excavates such rare finds. I sit on the
board of trustee's at
the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller, AB. But you who
thinks he is all
enlightened are trying to tell me that I'm wrong when
clearly my four year
son has obviously obtained a higher IQ than you. You
should really read your
e-mails before you send them, you sound like you have
down syndrome.

tlc_asap PhD., BSc.

To my demand to moderate the language otherwise I
would have taken provisions in merit with ebay and
listing to all meteorites with Eagle beginning found
in the Catalogue of Meteorites asking where the Eagle
Butte was found, the person sends me this email: 

For starters the Catalogue of Meteorites of the
British Museum is also
incorrect as I have 31 samples that have never been
recorded in any 
and are totally unclassified. If you rely all your
sources in books, 
there is your answer.  You have a lot of nerve to
contact me again and
having others doing the same. You are a first class
prick.  Stick to 
lables, it seems you do not know jack about meteorites
and their 
only what the books tell you. Lighten up, I will be
reporting to eBay 
about your inflicting the rights of privacy from
others. Stop 
fellow friends and workers. I do not tollerate your

Sign that this person not to know not even that what
has in hand, therefore puts in sale of false
meteorites, even if I have said to make to make one
analysis by the piece to it. Yesterday I have sent the
offensive emails to Ebay and this is the answer:  

Thank you for writing to eBay Customer Support in
reference to the
abusive email messages you have received. I can
certainly understand
your frustration and concern.

While eBay has no jurisdiction over members' private
correspondence sent via their own internet service
provider (ISP), if
this message was sent through our new email forwarding
system, please
forward the entire message, with headers, to
review. I have included instructions on how to get
email headers at the
bottom of this email just in case you are unsure of
where to find 

If you are having trouble with a fellow member there
are several steps 
you can take. First, the easiest thing to do is block
the sender's
incoming emails. This is a feature provided by most
email programs.
Please consult the help section of your email program
on information on
how to do this. If you cannot block the emails, simply
do not reply or 
respond. It is always best to not escalate an already
tense situation. 

Next, report the emails to the sender's ISP or email
provider. If the
emails are deemed inappropriate, the ISP/email
provider has 
to take appropriate action.

Finally, if you feel unsafe or are afraid for your
personal safety due 
to these emails, you should report this incident to
your local law
enforcement agency.

A header will look like a string of "nonsense"
characters, similar to
the example I have pasted for you below. You can find
this by using the
"properties" function of your email program.

Return-Path: <sender email address>
Received: from mail-pacbell.net (mail-gw5.pacbell.net
ixmail9.ix.netcom.com (8.8.7-s-4/8.8.7/(NETCOM v1.01))
with ESMTP id;
for <recipient email address>; Mon, 22 Mar 1999
06:34:48 -0800 (PST) 

From: <sender email address>
Received: from
[]) by mail-
gw5.pacbell.net (8.8.8/8.7.1) with SMTP id GAA15251;
Mon, 22 Mar 1999 06:34:28 -0800 (PST)
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 06:34:32 +0100
Reply-To: <sender email address>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.03-PBI-N303 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: <recipients' email address>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

For security reasons we cannot open attachments sent
to us. Therefore, 
please copy the contents of the message and header,
and paste it into
the body of your reply.

Thank you for using eBay for your online trading

Hour I have not very understood that what is the last
point of the email of Ebay, practically I would have
to put uin ignores the email of this person and to
leave that other persons continue to acquire of false
meteorites? The problem is that I do not succeed to
trace the ID of ebay of this person, otherwise would
make endured demanded of banned of this person from
Ebay, the single data that I have are these: "Keith &
Tammy Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and the ID
on Ebay is this GeoPaleo_Guy if you see now have put
others 2 pieces of this Eagle Butte.
I make excuses myself if disturbance with this email,
but I find that this person is dishonourable to remain
on Ebay to sell false meteorites, continuing to write
METEORITE in its auctions   



M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
Sale Site: http://www.mcomemeteorite.com Collection Site: 
International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140

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