Great idea...go ahead and start your own list and when it is setup with all the categories go ahead and let us all know and we will be glad to look it over and join.
I intially thought your post was common spam. Go back into the setup of you account and take the time to change the name of your account to better reflect who you are. Right now it says that you are "CoxSMTPwest". Then it is customary to sign your posts with your name.
As for tests and hi's and other stuff...I know that something that is labelled test is not worth the look and I delete it. As for someone saying hello, well that is part of being in a community. As for the rest of the categories...I kinda like the way things are now...but that shouldn't stop you from setting up your own list...let us all know when it is ready.
Mark M.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2002 12:15 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Clogging up the " LIST " with junk !

Do we really need all those little hi's and tests to clog up the List, is that what Private E- mail is for ?. Could  we not have sections for Sale's/Trades,  Soap Box's, Picture Galleys, Links, New Finds, General Information on Meteorites, New Members Help Page etc. ?.
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