Put me down for 20 grams right now. I will pay with PayPal as soon as it is in your hands...If you get a whole stone in 20-25 grams size even better. At $2.00 a gram I am in for 20-25 grams right now. I would love to have something this fresh with this lovely fusion crust and color in my collection. Anything in that size will do. Send me an email as soon as you have it and we will do business.
Mark Miconi #5524
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 3:55 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Bessy Bullshit

Well, I is time for me to jump in here and rain on Dean Bessy's parade. I also have a substantial amount of this fall on the way via DHL as I type here! DEan DOES NOT have it all, or even close to HALF as he so states and is so full of bullshit, that I cant keep quiet here any longer. I will have the materail for sale next week, and I plan to offer it around $2 gram! Now Dean, how in the hell do you justify selling material that you paid less than $1 gram for for $15 to $20 gram, it is a chondrite anc a nice one, but nevertheless, you DUMP (using your own words) rare material like it was a happy meal. Then for this fall you try to manipulate the market with more lies and self-reithous statements of self grandure. You are not crap when it comes to North Africa. Your one seller has you by the balls and feeds you what you want to hear, You my friend are the laughing stalk of Morocco. It is about time you learned it.
Anyway, the point is folks, that you can pay Dean his "Good Deal" price of $15 gram, or wait one week and pay me $2 gram, your choice.
Thanks Dean, Payback is a sunofabitch isnt it? By the way, you need to stop talking about me, it gets back to me, every word you say, and right now I am more than a little pissed you asshole!!!#@#@#
Mike Farmer

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