Up until recently, the one greatest advantage of 35mm pictures over digital 
was the ability to have actual high quality prints for display.  The 
cameras in the 5 megapixel range are now capable of producing (with the 
proper printer) 8 x 10s that cannot be distinguished from 35mm prints by 
most people.

Jim's mention of the time advantage is what is going to eventually do in 
the 35mm process - in our business anyway.  Many of us can relate to the 
situation of needing an image to send to a potential client ASAP.  Set up 
the 35mm, get the lighting as perfect as possible, bracket your shots (2EV, 
-1EV, 0EV, +1EV, and +2EV ), blow an entire roll of film on one specimen, 
run to the one hour photo shop.....you all get my point.

Digital is here to stay and will dominate the photo industry within a few 
years.  The 35mm format will still be used, but more out of 
tradition.  Many of my professional photography friends are making the 
transition now.


At 10:04 AM 3/13/02 -0500, Jim Strope wrote:
>According to some friends of mine who are very involved in photography,
>Digital camera resolution will equal that of 35mm when the digitals reach
>The advantage of digital over film now is ease of use and speed.  If someone
>emails me and wants a photo of a meteorite I can have it to them in a matter
>of minutes.
>Jim Strope
>421 Fourth Street
>Glen Dale, WV  26038
>Catch a Falling Star Meteorites
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Matteo Chinellato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Jim Strope" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Meteorite Central"
>Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 9:53 AM
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Digital Photography
> > Hello all
> >
> > Sincerely the digital machines are comfortable why it
> > can be seen and be unloaded endured the image, but
> > will not never have a definition as the normal
> > cameras, sincerely I prefer my Canon EOS 50E or Pentax
> > MX, or Mamya that one digital, even if ne I have
> > acquired one for curiosity. The digital consume many
> > batteries if you cannot connect to them to the
> > current, and are a lot reduced in the use, always if
> > you not acquired Nikon D1 or  others digital reflex.
> > Regards
> >
> > Matteo
>Meteorite-list mailing list

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