I have a friend that lives along the coast of Maryland near the Chesapeake bay. He is an avid duck hunter and swears by the item below. It is called a Golden Rod. It is an electric De-Humidifier for Guns. I have not used them for my weapons or meteorites. They can be found at Cabelas.com Search on Item number:
Golden Rod
Item: IC-210423
Price: $29.99
My buddy in Maryland has way more money than sense and buys outrageously expensive shotguns to hunt ducks with. He is anally retentive and keeps those guns in prisitine condition. His nome is less than 100 feet from salt water.
I have actually been thinking of trying one of these in my meteorite case. I always worry that I will get busy and forget to check my cannisters one month and find my Brahin slices rusting, my Nantan crumbling and my irons browning away. I have a limited budget when it comes to buying meteorites and hate to lose them to the humidity any sooner than I have too. We use our evaporative cooler here in Arizona in the summer time and I have had good luck with the Hydra-Gel cannisters I recommended in an earlier email today.
Just thought I would drop in my thoughts on the subject.
Mark M.

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