Hello Everyone,
Anyone interested in a few micromounts for an average cost of about $6.50 each!  Here are some that I have finished studying:

Name Type, Weight, Description
Bandong LL6 1.09 Slice
Canyon Diablo  Course Oct. 1.05 Fragment
Dalgety Downs L4 4.92 Slice
Davy (a) L4 6.94 Slice
Dimmitt H4 3.36 Slice
Forestburg (a) L4 4.59 S;ice
Gobabeb H4 4.45 Fragment
Gold Basin L4 6.07 Slice
Henbury Pall 4.8 Individual
Imilac PAL 1.16 Individual
Juancheng H5 1.26 Individual
Long Island L6 6.6 Slice
Oum Rokba H5/6 1.34 Slice
Roy L5 1.2 Slice
Salaices H4 3.46 Slice
Saratov L4 5.02 Slice
Tsarev L5 3.79 Slice
Each one comes in it's own 1" x 1" specimen case  with descriptive label.  I will sell all 17 specimens for $105.00 + 5.00 shipping for an even $110.00.  That works out to about $6.50/specimen.
I will even throw in a 45 specimen display case (it holds 45 1 x 1 inch cases) and 28 extra cases for free!

Best wishes,

Walter Branch, Ph.D.
Branch Meteorites
322 Stephenson Ave., Suite B
Savannah, GA  31405 USA

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