I seem to remember a few years ago about an insurance company commercial on
TV where this guy was driving down a street and sees this big fireball
streaking towards him. He`s really freaking out and by the time the fireball
hits his windshield, it might weigh maybe a gram or two, and all that
happens is a little crack in his windshield! You would have thought that
this character would have stopped to pick it up for his insurance claim, but
NOOOO! It was a cool commercial though. :)  Dave
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Blood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Martin Horejsi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 6:41 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Happy Birthday New Concord!

> Hi Mike & Martin,
> New Concord certainly did not escape my awareness for meteoritic
> hammers (that "nailed" something). It is one of about 20 I offer in
> my "Hammer Set," and one of the largest - a several gram specimen
> in each set. New Concord is nice, fresh, beautiful stuff, well
> documented,
> as well.....unlike the ol' Nakhla Dog (bait, bait), which I also include
> in the set, though in a Bessey Speck sample, of course, to keep the
> sets affordable. While I don't sell individual specimens apart from the
> set, I WILL TRADE to get a hammer I don't yet have, or have only tiny
> bits of.
> Some of these guyes have really interesting pedagrees, such as
> Barwell, which struck not only cars and buildings, but one stone
> flew in a window, bounced off the floor and landed in a cup of tea!
> Of course, there are more "common" examples, such as Allende
> (roofs, houses & patios), Holbrook (Train Station), Juancheng (through
> a roof into a pot on the stove!), etc. So, we don't only have dead
> cows, horses, cars and mailboxes, but a slew of other items, as well
> as a badly bruised housewife.
> For a TERRIFIC list of "hammers" throughout history, see the extensive
> list maintained by  Walter Branch at:
> http://www.branchmeteorites.com/MetStruck.html
> In my sets, so far, at least, the hardest to get was the Sylagauga
> which
> is exceptionally well documented as hitting a woman. I have HEARD
> of one reputed to go through a car windshield and strike the driver in
> the hand, but I have NEVER seen the material offered.... also, I want
> more
> & have only Bessey Specks of the extremely rare HH, Burnwell (Sept.4,
> 1990 Pike Co. KY TKW 1.504kg - Single stone fell through a porch), Canon
> City, Co. & Bovedy, Ireland. Of course, my gratest interest lay in
> specimens
> of which I have none.....and there are many listed at the site
> referenced above.
> Anyone who has any fall that hit something, which I do not have yet
> or of which I have only tiny amounts, I would be very interested
> in purchasing and/or trading. I have only about 20 different falls in my
> sets so far.
> I consider hammers to be, by far, the most interesting of all falls.
> I know some collectors collect ONLY falls & not finds - these are the
> kings and queens of falls for my money. My favorites are Peekskill,
> mostly
> because I have a video tape of the magnificent fall, Valera, because of
> its lethality and beauty, Claxton, just appeals to the 12 year old
> vandal
> I once was, Sylacauga - because it actually hit a PERSON and, New
> Concord, again, for the beauty, freshness and lethality. These guys
> really tell
> impressive tales!
> Best wishes, Michael
> --
> "Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things."
> -- Dan Quayle, 11/30/88
> --
> Worth Seeing:
> -  Earth at night from satalite:
> http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0011/earthlights_dmsp_big.jpg
> - Earth - variety of choices:
> http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/vplanet.html
> --
> CLICK HERE to search
> 600,000 scholarships!
> http://us.click.yahoo.com/iZp8OC/4m7CAA/ySSFAA/jFYolB/TM
> --
> Michael Blood Meteorites for sale at:
> http://www.meteorite.com/Michael_Blood/catalog.htm
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