Hello Catherine and List,
Please send me your address Catherine and I will be happy to send you out
a meteorite and tektite specimen for your new collection.

Take Care,
Jason Phillips
Rocks From Heaven.com

Bernd Pauli HD wrote:

> Mark Bostick wrote:
> > The rest of the finalists should also e-mail me
> > their address and I will send them consolation prizes.
> Thank you very much for that kindness, Mark. If that "consolation
> prize" should be a little NWA meteorite, I'd be glad if you sent it to
> Catherine Fox. Maybe other finalists would be willing to act likewise,
> and, together with Jim's little lunar, that would make a nice starter
> kit for our young lady. My two Euro-cents :-)
> Best Sunday nad
> Father's Day
> Wishes,
> Bernd
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