Ken , I think your making to big a deal out of this. Any serious person will check them out before spending a sizable amount of money You spent 40.00 on a phony
but, look what it got you your now an expert on the whole subject You know what they say  about guilt or innocence in the criminal justice system " Its better that
100 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man be found guilty " here's how that applies to meteorites  Its better that a 100 people buy a 40.00  fake than 1 real
meteorite be discarded  Also even fake meteorites can make people curious and genuinely interested which means your collection is worth more just by the amount
of that interest I am a licensed landscape contractor and guess what? I charge more because a lot of times  the unlicensed can't do the work therefor more work is
funneled to me more demand for a higher standard means more for $ me.  I think meteorites will naturally follow that same course and be found out in the end only
to the benefit of  the legitimate collector  I really think the focus should be on quicker and more  conclusive testing Universities are not well equiped for real testing
and I know by thier methods they are probably overlooking the most rarest type the low metals since they primarily test with a magnet  Where are all the private labs
hiding where you can pay and find out EXACTLY what you have? , they are out there but' their not set up for meteorite ID that well  Its not an easy process getting
a straight answer on a rock sample in fact its very difficult  it needs to be streamlined Is their a machine you can buy to test samples? shove it in like an oven turn a
dial out comes a print out of your samples enerts,  if there is I'm going to get one and start charging all those fakers 5$ each to conclusively absolutely, undeniably
certifiably identify their ?  I think ther could be a big demand  What do you think?    Also check this out,  this is what the universitiy called quartz let me know what
you think  http://www.FINDALLTRADES.COM/projects/Snowwhite.htm Thanks John
        Here's my quote
       "leave them alone, and they'll come home
     wagging their tales behind them"
                                   Little bo peep

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