Here's another entry...poetry was never my strong suite! Certainly not Suessian!  Maybe a haiku on steroids??  Did it need to on Bensour??



DAG 262/400


My moon glowed soft yellow

     in the quiet of that night,

I yearn to touch her face

     to at least know my embrace

But in the airless moonscape,

     mares dark, highlands light,

My ten-year old self did squint to see

      no clouds or dust,

      a stone-cold world

      through this telescopic sight.


A flash of light!..., maybe  two or even three,

   (some play on my memory’s misery??)

   Some dust, some haziness,

                               a puff of debris??

I witnessed some life on this cold-hearted orb??

Brings wild dreams of moon meteorites

       To rain on my roof,

       what imagined true delight!


Years later I see my tektites and learn

        How some did once yearn

        To believe these glass pieces

                           were tears of my moon..

         I caress their belief

                 then dismiss their hard wishes

         In favor of my own wishes

                 for Apollo dust,

                 or even just Russian Luna rust.


The day did finally at long last arrive

      as chips and specks of DAGs did beckon

      to awake the desire and the fire

                              for me alone to reckon.

Now I sit quite broken of funds,

        but I have my speck of moon in hand,

       Even while I hope a larger chunk to land,

       So I needn’t squint so hard

       through my microscopic sight!

How to embrace a grain of sand???????


- j. murakami



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