Meteorites are educational because they hold the unknown knowledge that humans strive for in life.
Since the time of recorded history the " Heavens " have been observed. Man has formed societies and ideologies based on the stars. Religions have linked themselves to these " Rocks from Heaven "( Ark of the Covenant).
So many questions we humans have about the universe and what part we play in it. Meteorites are a link to our past and a possible bridge to our future. They stimulate our imaginations and fortify our need to explore. Meteorties are the seeds to understanding how life came about and what role we as human beings will play in the universe.
Meteorites have been and will always be educational to anyone who just looks up!
Michael Mikowski 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2002 10:30 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Contest #4 - Meteorites are Educational Because....

Hello Everybody,
As you have no doult figured out by the title of this e-mail, this is....METEORITE CONTEST #4!!! (To add more drama, please read again only increase the voice in your head as you work your way to the end the sentence).
The prize in this free to all who wish to enter contest is one NWA349 Meteorite Thin Section.  Large surface area and it is not even one of the cheaper (but still nice) covered thin sections. hold it up to the light and make a quick guessimate classification is an L5. It does have some nice chondrules. 
To win the thin section please complete the following sentence...
"Meteorites are Educational Because......"
Answer in as many or as few words as you like.  Please e-mail all entries to the list and not only to me directly. 
In school I was a math wizard and English bored me sometimes to sleep.  (I still don't understand the reason of teaching me what a pro-noun was 8 years in a row....if I didn't get it the first 6 years....).  So I find it strange I have been "giving out" writing assignments.  But just think, I could be giving long formulas and asking for you to change out y for x.
Mark Bostick "The Big Collector"

PS: To take a look at my currant ebay auctions, put this (complete) address link in your address bar on your web explorer...or just search ebay seller: [EMAIL PROTECTED][EMAIL PROTECTED]&completed=0&sort=3&since=-1&include=0&page=1&rows=25


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