Well.. I do not know.. It does not look the same... I bought some and named it my Blair Witch rock because it came from the bottom of the hill where she ( lives) lived.  Derek sent me a pieces to have analyzed. I have a friend who is a chemist and has access to an electron microscope. ( SEM). He is going to analyze it for me.  I bought it for a novelty.. not a meteorite.
----- Original Message -----
From: magellon
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Sulfide-slag

Does this sound like the same stuff?
Ken Newton

Robert Verish wrote:

I apologize for this Off-Topic subject, but I would
like to take this opportunity to personally thank Troy
Bell, for his efforts in trying to determine the
origin of a particular type of meteor-wrong that is
commonly seen on eBay.  Troy found his first specimen
in the gravel of a parking lot near where he lives in
Texas.  When Troy told me that the gravel was a
typical "slag", I told him to try and find more of
this LBR (Little Black Rock) and to take some samples
of the slag gravel.  He found 2 more "little black
rocks", which he sent to me, along with samples of the
slag gravel.

My examination confirmed that the LBRs and the slag
have a common origin.  In addition, these LBRs are
made from the same material that I have encountered
numerous times from people wanting their "meteorites"
identified.  And I'm sure many on this List have
encountered this, as well.  Lately, a third of the
meteor-wrongs that I have encountered are of this
"sulfide-rich" material.  Although there appears to be
various sources for this material, I have always
contended that this was waste material from an ore
smelting process [slag].  But now, Troy's observant
eye has found the "smoking gun" evidence that confirms
that this material is a slag.

This confirmation also raises the concern that some of
these LBRs could have elevated concentrations of
arsenic and lead.

The following images show a cut surface of this
material.  Because of the above concern, BE ADVISED -
to never DRY cut or grind this material, and to treat
the cuttings and coolant with caution.

Image #1:

The interior "looks like" a natural sulfide mineral
with a highly specular, metallic luster.  But it is
not a metal.  Mostly crystalline with needle-shaped
laths (an atypical crystal habit for sulfides).  The
exterior has a patina.  Having been exposed to the
forces of weathering, and over time, the sulfide-rich
rock has formed a black tarnish.

Image #2:

Close-up of the cut surface. Locally vesicular;
cavities will show cleavage for these synthetic
(man-made) crystals. There are some inclusions of
melted silicates.

As mentioned earlier, this kind of meteor-wrong has
long been seen on eBay, but typically being auctioned
as "Arizona ?? Meteorite"!!
I couldn't find any current "meteorite" auction like
this, but this "mineral" auction looks like the same
kind of material, but without the black tarnish:


Now that it has been identified, my curiosity about
this material has been satisfied, and I will now move
on to the next "mystery rock" (hopefully, it will be a
real meteorite;-).  But in the meanwhile, it may prove
beneficial (since this stuff is so widespread) to have
this "identified" material on a meteor-wrong web page
in order to educate future meteor-wrong sellers.

Bob V.

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