Here ya go Dave.. Hope this cheers you up. I am a hunted human being now for
my Jar Jar impression.. So.. sending this while I can..Hehe.. when I was at
the tax revolt..they sent the storm troopers out to intimidate us.. We just
waved out tootsie pops at them and smiled..


Meteor Showers

EntropyDave ( Dave Harris )

I saw the stars fall from the sky.
Perseid meteors falling in showers
Of flashes of green and yellow lights.
As if Perseus' giant hand was strewing flowers
Through the universe like rose petals at a wedding.
The galactic show diminished any fireworks display
That any mortal mind could envision or achieve.
Only a Master's hand could orchestrate such a play.
And in that brief period of streaking light
Racing across the night for its life
My thoughts turn to mankind's plight.
Life is a vapor; then the soul takes flight,
Streaking across the great unknown;
Burning brightly, then is gone.

Rosemary Tipton Hackney

Copyright ©2002 Rosemary Tipton Hackney

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "metlist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 8:00 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] I'm back!!!

> Hello!!!
> I'M BACK!!!!!
> Somewhat numb and a bit paralysed from my 2 weeks in hospital but at least
> am alive - the dura mata was torm and the resultant CS fluid leak made me
> bed ridden for 7 miserable and catheterised days, but I am back.
> I missed you all and my meteorites (thanks to Dean for the NWA 869 and Jim
> for the rumurutiite, which I looked at endlessly!!!) and, of course my
> suffering family!!!
> Phew... glad to be back in the land of the living!
> --
> In gentle decay,
> dave
> IMCA #0092
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (for IMCA member contact)
> "I have a proof that x^n+y^n=z^n never has integer solutions for n>2.
> However, it won't fit into my signature file...."
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