As we used to say in the service, "Close only counts with shotguns and hand 
grenades, and sometime horseshoes!"

At 08:13 PM 6/21/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>Dear list
>I am a bit surprised by all this fuss in the media every few months about
>how lucky we are escaping once again the big hit. As a scientist I can say
>that the probability that an asteroid cruising nearer to earth than the
>Moon actually hit the earth is 1/10000*; the public will laugh about these
>threatening news long before the 10000th anoucement like the one we just
>As a hunter when my bullet hit the ground 100** meters away from the deer I
>do not shout "Yeah, I almost got it", I try to disappear into the hole,
>full of shame..
>*: if you want a more precise figure: square of the ratio of earth radius
>to moon-earth distance.
>* equivalent size ratio with the deer being the Earth.
>Meteorite-list mailing list

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