 funny you should mention "the dog",  you must be prescient. In my next post
I was going to mention what is a most impressive case in the Vienna Museum.
In the center of the meteorite room in an old case is a group of very nice
specimens. There is a nice size half crusted piece of Shergotty.  Just next
to it is one piece, and one whole fully crusted shiny black Nakhla
meteorites. Now I have to admit that I broke my glasses early on the trip
but I could still see pretty well and I thought I saw a little bit of
reddish brown hair on the whole stone. Boy I thought, they should keep their
displays a little more tidy.  Right below the Shergotty was a very nice part
crusted piece of Chassigny.   Beautiful!  Regards,  Fred
----- Original Message -----
From: David Freeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Fred Olsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 8:23 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Is that all there is, my friends?

> Dear Fred,  Kevin, and Meteorite enthusiasts (including dog lover's in
> general);
> I find as collectors and traders, and meteorites evolve with knowledge;
> that  things change.   Previous errors may be uncovered, classifications
> may not have been thorough, and any number of other considerations may
> pop up, including new investigations of old newspaper articles, checking
> neighboring villagers for conflicting stories, or the lack of physical
> evidence including rover-graves.
> signed Arf-Arf,
> Dave (the dog died indeed) Freeman
> Fred Olsen wrote:
> >Vienna  may have more Canyon City, California although none is listed in
> >catalogue, so that could add a minor 8.7 grams.  Total Known weight
> >in Catalogue is 8,600 grams and weight of specimens in museum collections
> >7,738 grams.  That leaves 862 grams wandering the earth.
> >
> >Vienna may have some Canon City, Colorado although the only amount ( 8.7
> >grams) listed in the Catalogue matches the obviously erroneous label on
> >iron (not H6) specimen on display.  I will leave it them to sort it out.
> >Regards,  Fred Olsen
> >----- Original Message -----
> >Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 11:08 AM
> >Subject: [meteorite-list] Is that all there is, my friends?
> >
> >
> >>Fred, Bernd and fellow m-listers:
> >>
> >>It's always great to read other's adventures-tinged-in-meteorites and
> >>adventure lubricated with cheap, but quality beer, is even better.  Good
> >>report, Fred.
> >>
> >>Fred mentions finding some interesting going-ons at the Vienna Museum,
> >>particularly regarding a possible TKW  (total known weight) of Canyon
> >>IIIAB Iron.
> >>
> >>Without knowing what Fred saw or what the label for the specimen
> >>
> >or
> >
> >>if he even questioned Gero himself, what's on public display may or may
> >>
> >not
> >
> >>be the museum's entire holdings of a specimen. There could be a lot more
> >>
> >in
> >
> >>the back rooms of the Museum in boxes, sealed w/dissicate envelopes, or
> >>
> >just
> >
> >>sitting around on tables like a bunch of card-playing dogs.
> >>
> >>So let's keep dancin',
> >>
> >>Kevin Kichinka
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>______________________________________________
> >>Meteorite-list mailing list
> >>http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> >>
> >
> >
> >______________________________________________
> >Meteorite-list mailing list
> >http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
> >
> >

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