I have received the just analysis of my pieces, is
L3.8-L6 (breccia)


--- "E.P. Grondine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Al - 
> I don't know if it can be claimed at the present
> time
> that these particular asteroids are the parent
> bodies.
> It may simply be that the parent bodies are similar
> in
> composition to these particular asteroids, in other
> words that there may be 2 or more asteroids of
> roughly
> the same type of composition.
> ah well, some year it will all be clear...
> ep
> --- almitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi John and all,
> > 
> > Many of the parent bodies have yet to be identify
> to
> > the many of the meteorites we
> > have accumulated here on Earth. However there are
> > some suspect parent bodies which
> > have been identified by spectral matches to the
> > asteroids and meteorites. One such
> > match is asteroid Hebe for the H type chondrites.
> It
> > is obvious from looking at Hebe's
> > surface that it has a variation in spectra as the
> > asteroid rotates representing the
> > different metamorphism (classes) we see from the
> > change in olivine to pyroxene ratio.
> > No doubt the asteroid had a large enough impact at
> > one time to knock it apart allowing
> > the more differentiated classes to show up on the
> > outside, and some of the outer part
> > of the asteroid became buried in the interior as
> it
> > reassembled into a rubble pile
> > asteroid. It isn't uncommon for H type chondrites
> to
> > have brecciation of various
> > different classes all in one meteorite. A good
> > example of this is Zag (H3-6) and
> > Noblesville, Indiana an H4 chondrite with H6
> clasts.
> > Probably why we get so many of
> > the H type chondrite material now is we are living
> > at a time when the results of the
> > impacts which have been migrating to us over the
> > eons have finally made their way to
> > fall at a constant rate. If we lived in a
> different
> > time many years from now or very
> > long ago then perhaps and most likely we would
> > sample some other type of meteorite
> > falls. Perhaps it wouldn't be uncommon for some
> rare
> > type meteorite (to us) to fall at
> > a regular more consistent rate.
> > 
> > How does this tie into NWA 869. As stated earlier
> we
> > don't know all of the parent
> > bodies yet (a good reason for funding to NASA to
> > build a craft to visit as many
> > asteroids as we can) However there is one asteroid
> > of about 7 km in diameter that
> > resides in the main belt and may be related to the
> L
> > type chondrites and a possible
> > parent body though a very weak link. Asteroid 3628
> > Boznemcova exhibits spectral
> > qualities to the L's and LL's. It is obviously too
> > small to be a complete asteroid and
> > has been suggested it is a fragment of a much
> larger
> > asteroid. Perhaps this might be
> > what is left of the NWA 869 and other L type
> > meteorites and why we sample a steady
> > rate of L type chondrites.
> > 
> > Beside these parent bodies, we are fairly sure of
> > the Vesta and HED type meteorite
> > connections as well as the Martian (SNC), and
> lunar
> > meteorite to Moon connections.
> > It's what makes reading about and research on
> > meteorites so exciting and trying to
> > figure out all of the complicated puzzles they
> > present to us.
> > 
> > --AL Mitterling
> > 
> > 
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