As best I recall last I looked into this, a shungit is a deposit rich in carbon, no CV3 designation can be made. I also do not recall any fullerine content in Shungit material which would lend to supporting an extraterrestrial origin. I sell Anthraxolite from the Sudbury Astrobleme which is another carbon deposit material but it does contain fullerines and is found in a depressed area of the astrobleme suggesting the likelihood of meteoritic origin...the vaporized impactor settling and running with the ground water to areas of greater concentration (eg. deposits). Photos available here:
Hope that helps some,

Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 8:30 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] faeton

Hi List,   How can you advertise "Oldest meteorite Faeton  ? "  And then in your description say it is made up of HALF carbon outside the earths origin. This would imply that it is no meteorite at all .  Please tell me what is this stuff   ?  !!  
   It seems to me that it must be, If Real, some kind of impact material ?  It also says something about a (CV3)Shunghit  Deposit , I have never heard of a meteorite fall considered a DEPOSIT .  
      The auction #  2121347290    check it out 115 grams starting @ 9 dollars seems like the price even tells me it isn't a meteorite.
      Can somebody tell me what the heck this stuff really is ? 
   Best Regards to All , Steven Drummond   "The Unknown Collector"  :-)

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