The place to start the search would be with the
correspondence of those at the holding institution.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Good evening Ray, and all,
> The mystery of what happened to all of the reported
> Chassigny find is a 
> perennial discussion topic. One that I suspect will
> go on for many years.
> I theorize that some of it was destroyed in analysis
> and that the remainder 
> is tucked away in some drawer of a major
> institution(s); forgotten. At the 
> price that Chassigny currently brings one would
> suspect that the holder of a 
> couple of kilos of the meteorite would be tempted to
> part with at least some 
> of it.
> If I had a couple of kilos of the stuff you can rest
> assured that I would 
> soon be retiring.
> Ya'll (I can say that now as I have relocated to
> Savannah, GA) have a great 
> evening.
> Best Regards,
> Paul
> In a message dated 8/8/2002 5:00:42 PM Eastern
> Daylight Time, 
> > When Chassigny fell, it was estimated that approx
> 4
> > kg's were recovered, and only about 800 grams is
> > accounted for now.  Any thought's or theories on
> what
> > happened to the other 3.2 kg's?  Any chance on
> more
> > turning up?
> > 
> > 

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