> Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Contest #6 - FREE NWA869
> Come up with a contest ideal for me...for Meteorite Contest #7.  >
Something anyone can enter reguardless of collection size or knowledge level
> I will end this contest on monday.  E-mail entries to the list please. =20
> The prize...
> A 98.8 gram NWA869 individual with some crust.  Everybody who enters =
> will at least recieve an NWA869 micromount. Free shipping to all.
> Thanks, Mark Bostick "The Big Collector"

Meteorite Contests, an even dozen:

1. What is your favorite meteorite group or classification and why?
2. What is the theme or style of your collection, and why?
3. What is the next thing you would like to know about meteorites?
4. What part do you think meteorite parent bodies, based on what we
currently know about their composition and behaviour, might play in the
future of humananity?
5. Explain Portales Valley.
6. Of all the known witnessed falls and/or prehistoric crater leaving
meteorite impacts, what is your favorite, and why does that particular one
impress or intruige you?
7. What could you do personally to benefit humanity or the science of
meteoritics through your meteorite collecting?
8. What is your favorite meteorite or meteor related myth or misbelief,
historical or current?
9. If a discovery were made that a 100 meter meteor were approaching the
earth on a confirmed intercept trajectory, what class would you prefer it to
be, and why?
10. Who would you nominate to be the first recorded instance of a human
being struck directly by a falling meteorite?
11. Who would you nominate to be the first recorded instance of a human
being struck directly by a meteorite retaining cosmic velocity?
12.  Where will the next witnessed fall over 10 kilos occur?

-Robert Beauford  : )

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