Wow What an adventure I had! Here's the short of it, got there late had
to rush around, got set up to stay in a mobile home at a friends about
an hour after he went to bed our AC went out, it was 100o all night.
Next day started hunting and got accused of dumping a pile trash by some
locals then the police came we had to prove our innocence or we were
going to have to clean it up(we saw a black trash bag and so we drove
are truck up to the pile to see if it was a meteorite, Yeah right sure
you did.....) after this my friend wanted to give up, he said I could
borrow his old stand by Datsun pick up, so I went and got a room and
drove back out to the another area to hunt, found about 5 specimens in
about 3 hours then back to my room , got a message had to return
immediately, went back to my friends to return the truck got pulled over
by the CHP seems the truck hadn't been registered for a while so they
decided to have it towed, they asked me to take my personal belongings
so I took the samples, they were in a empty 12pk beer box Well actually
there were 2 beers still in it TOO many for the CHP and another brief
incident ensued, until I was finally walking down the road in about 115o
heat with my beer box full of samples
 I  kept 3 here they are , I haven't even washed the dirt off of them I
did cut a piece off 1, They weigh about 2lbs 1lbs and about a half a lb
respectively I want opinions on what I should do with them and how much
they are worth as is
Thanks John

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