Here we go again... what to do about Steve from Chicago. May I suggest pulling the plug once and for all, the 'plug' that connects him to the list, that is. No one can say he wasn't warned, and in my humble opinion he's been warned more than one too many times. Sure we all have delete keys to use, and yes we can all block his messages but why are we being subjected to doing so?
It is one thing, for example, to find a new meteorite and offer specimens to list members at a good price, thereby sharing ones good fortunes with fellow listees, most list members wouldn't mind that. But buying a couple of grams of this or that from 'Mr Haag' at full retail, then desperately attempting to flip the material to people on the list is an entirely different matter.
Most of the folks on the list know how to contact Robert if they really need a piece of the Tucson Ring so badly that they can't sleep at night without it.
Steve is trying to pull-off the meteoritical equivalent of going to a car dealership, buying a new ''beamer'' and trying to re-sell it the next day in the Auto Trader at a tidy mark-up. The real world simply does not function in that manner.
This whole situation should have been nipped in the bud weeks if not months ago.
Who's in charge again? Hopefully not Steve.
How about an open vote on the solution to the situation? Sounds democratic enough to me...
I'll even offer to cast the first one. I say no more warnings, no more excuses, no more slaps on the wrist.
If anyone cares to agree or disagree, go for the gusto...
Robert A. Szep

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