Robert Verish writes:
> "that shock and weathering grades were problematic for 
> pairing purposes" but they had no problem with petrologic 
> class (or metamorphic grade).  In fact, they used a noble 
> gas isotope study to prove that all the L6 specimens were
> indeed, paired to the same fall!

Of course, you are absolutely right. I think am getting 
old: I can't remember the contents of a paper that I have 
read only a few weeks ago... :-( 

I just don't know if there were L4 or L5 specimens found 
inside the proposed L6 strewfield that were excluded form 
the pairing *just because* they were of a different 
metamorphic grade...?

I still think that there might be fuzzy borders between 
metamorphic grades, or that a small thin section is not 
representative for the whole specimen.

Bob's thought that the different petrologic classes in the 
Gold Basin shower would indicate a rubble pile meteorid as 
the parent body is excellent. I just want to caution that 
there might be uncertainties in the assignement of metamorphic 
grades, but I am no scientist, so I don't really know. 
Just my three (Euro) Cents worth of thoughts...


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