I don't have that many tektites.. a couple of pounds I guess....But they do
not look anything like apache tears, snowflake obsidian or regular obsidian
to me.

Wabar pearls may be similar to obsidian in appearance.. but not apache
tears...So I am ignorant of the problem.  Apache  tears come form the
Superior mine in Arizona. I do not know where else.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Verish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Meteorite-list Meteoritecentral" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 26, 2002 3:02 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] TEKTITES VS. TEARS

> ---------------- Original Message -----------------
> [meteorite-list] TEKTITES VS. TEARS
> Sterling K. Webb [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thu, 26 Sep 2002 00:52:44 -0500
> mafer wrote:
> > Hi Sterling and list
> > I still think the microwave test is valid and proves
> > the same thing.  Heat both in a microwave, and see
> > the obsidian get too hot to handle (from water
> > content).
> > Mark
> >
> ----------
> Hi!
>     Great idea! Tomorrow I'm going to microwave an
> australite, an indochinite, a moldavite, a bediasite,
> an apache tear, and a big chunk of wyoming obsidian
> and see what happens.
> Sterling
> ------------------------------------------------------
> Hi Sterling and Mark,
> Make sure that you use an asbestos pad under your
> specimens, because the obsidian will heat to boiling
> in less than a minute, and take care in handling the
> tektites, because some of them will still get very hot
> to the touch.
> I've attached some correspondence that recounts some
> of our earlier efforts at comparison testing.
> Take Care
> Bob V.
> ----------- Attached Message ------------
> --- Twink Monrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yesterday Jim did the torch test on the specimens
> > you sent, Bob.  He also torched some more AZites,
> > with our usual results - glowed red, then returned
> > to original state.
> >
> > Also torched a very smooth-surfaced, alleged Apache
> > tear purchased here, and
> > it glowed red and returned to normal state.
> >
> >
> > All following were sent to JK by RV:
> >
> > Indochinite:  glowed red, returned to original
> > state.
> >
> > Mouth of Adams Canyon, Antelope Valley:  glowed red,
> > cooled with white foam appearance on outside.
> >
> > Davis Creek obsidian: Used a cut-off end piece:
> > crumbled apart as it
> > turned a light red color.
> >
> > Rachael, Nevada obsidian:  Glowed bright orange,
> > returned to normal state
> > except for a tiny area with white foam.
> >
> > No. CA. cloudy banded obsidian:  glowed bright
> > orange, did not break,
> > returned to original state.
> >
> > No. CA (probably) :  Used a cut-off end piece:
> > turned bright orange and
> > broke into many pieces.
> >
> >
> > Bob, do you wish to have any of these returned to
> > you for further study?
> >
> > Thanks for your interest, Twink Monrad
> >
> Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 18:58:44 -0700 (PDT)
> From: "Robert Verish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:
> "Monrad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: JK torch test 8/19/00
> Hi Twink,
> Thanks for the detailed list of results, and thank Jim
> for me for running the tests.  I think the results are
> very interesting.  Please let me know what kind of
> conclusions you and Jim are drawing from all of your
> tests.
> I think the results could be important, considering
> the high bid prices on similar specimens like the item
> in the following recent eBay auction:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=403945268
> A lot of money for a 3.8 gram stone that could very
> easily be "just an Apache Tear"!
> :-)
> bob v.
> Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 19:05:13 -0700
> To: "Robert Verish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: "Monrad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: JK torch test 8/19/00
> Since one of your specimens, the large obsidian chip,
> also did not change, it looks like the results are
> inconclusive, unless there is something special about
> marenkenite (low percentage of hydration), also...
> Just had a note from Darryl Futrell who said that red
> hot is not hot enough, that we need white hot, so when
> Jim has the inclination may try it again.
> Will keep you posted,
> Twink
> ------------ End of Attached Message ------------
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