"The basaltic shergottite Northwest Africa 856 
(NWA 856): Petrology and chemistry"
by:  A. Jambon*, J. A. Barrat, V. Sautter, Ph. Gillet,
C. Göpel, M. Javoy, J. L. Joron and M. Lesourd 

[Meteoritics & Planetary Science 37-9 (September 2002)

© Meteoritical Society, 2002. Printed in USA.] 

The abstract is on the following web page:


Congratulations to the authors.  This paper sets the
standard for an all-inclusive, cross-discipline study
of an individual [martian] meteorite.  You'll want to
get your hands on a copy of the latest issue of M&PS. 

Here's a sample from the abstract:

"On the basis of grain size, pyroxene zoning and
composition, abundance of silica inclusions associated
with maskelynite, trace element abundances, REE
pattern and oxygen isotopes, pairing with NWA 480 is
excluded." [also excluded was Los Angeles]  
"The similarity with Shergotty and Zagami is
striking." [but not similar to Los Angeles]  
"The only significant differences are a larger grain
size, a greater abundance of silica and melt pockets,
a slightly more restricted range of pyroxene
compositions and the absence of significant

Bob V.

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