This report is about a "fireball" sighting that
occurred 6 days ago:

>-----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of Andy and Barry
>Sent: Tuesday, 15 October, 2002 6:02 PM
>Subject: Re: (IAAC) IAAC now accessible 
>Hi Lew
>I am glad I just received your update on the IAAC.  
>I should have written to you last week about this to 
>see if you heard or saw anything like what I saw last

>Thursday evening here in Rhode Island.  I have
>written to all the Frosty Drew crew without out much 
>reply and I also tried to start a message thread on 
>SSA, but it seems they are involved
>in a lot of Off Topic stuff right now and my message 
>went by pretty much unnoticed.
>Last Thursday evening I was outside talking with a 
>couple of friends of mine  at about 8:10 PM when 
>there was a bright flash similar to lightning. 
>It was so bright that the ground around us lit up.  
>This in its self was amazing because we were standing

>in a brightly lit parking lot.
>I was lucky enough to be facing in the right 
>direction when the flash caught our attention and I 
>was able to look up to the sky to see what looked to 
>be a large blue green meteor breaking in two, 
>streaking across the sky.  The approximate size of 
>the meteor would have been a little smaller than the 
>size of your thumb nail held at arms length.  What
>truly amazing was that up here in Southern New 
>England we were completely covered by a 100% cloud 
>cover.  I am not sure the direction this object was 
>traveling because I was in a section of town I seldom

>go to and was not sure of my orientation to the sky. 
>My guess would be it was traveling from the North to 
>the East. 
>I was wondering if you heard anything about this 
>meteor or piece of space junk. 
>Thank you,
>Barry Martasian

------------- Reply to Original Message -------------

Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 18:17:56 -0400
From: "Lew Gramer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: (meteorobs) Fireball(?), Rhode Island USA, 10
Oct 2002 20:10 Local

No, Barry, yours is the first report I've heard of a
very bright fireball over Rhode Island! Would you be
able to provide more details? If so, PLEASE consider
filling out the Web form at:

I also encourage anyone else who may have sighted an
event like this to submit a report as soon as you can
afterward, before any details fade from your memory!

(BTW, Barry, remember that '' and
'netastrocatalog' are mailing lists about the Deep
Sky! Anything meteor-related is more appropriate to
the OTHER list I run, '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. :>)

Take care, and thanks for sending me the note!


Lew Gramer, IMO, NAMN, Webb Society, NDSOS, ATMoB,

------------- End of Reply -------------

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