I agree with Matt. I'd rather take a check or a money order any day than have to deal with the high fees and potential problems associated with an internet based payment system. Every time the "good guys" develop a new system or service, the "bad guys" aren't far behind.

If you think the problems with Paypal were bad before, just wait and see what happens now that it is owned by Ebay. If you ever have a problem with Ebay, try and get a warm body on the phone...it simply won't happen.

John Gwilliam

At 10:43 AM 10/23/02 -0600, Matt Morgan wrote:
This is one of the reasons I am abandoning the use of PayPal. Security coupled with OUTRAGEOUS fees, did it for me. I will take a check any day over PayPal.
Matt Morgan

At 11:36 AM 10/23/2002 -0500, you wrote:
Hello List,

Since a lot of list members use Pay Pal, I thought I would tell everyone that..

Last night I was hit by a hacker to my Pay Pal account. They were able to take about $1000 before Pay Pal threw a security blanket on my account. I have changed my password and everything and called Pay Pal who is trying to fix everything. So untill then my Pay Pal account is frozen, with all the money that is in there. Which is almost like punishing me. Strange thing is they got in and kept taking little amounts ($100-$260). I've sent large sums before with Pay Pal so I am unsure why they didnt try, the funds where there. Pay Pal's system did catch one of the charges and reversed it. I am really hoping they reverse the others.

I have never given my password out to anybody or anything. I do not have it written anywhere. I am really at a loss on how they got in there.


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