Hello List, Juvinas seems to be a meteorite that is hard to find info on. ??

Strange! There are several tens of scientific publications on this typical
eucrite since 1821 (see Catalogue of Meteorites). Ask Bernt for a listing...
Over the 91 kg collected, there is still an impressive pumpkin sized piece
in Paris Museum (I saw it), with amazing freshness: highly glossy fusion
crust and sparkling disseminated metal flakes, no traces of oxidation... A
lot of museums have pieces of several 100g.
The place of fall is SE Massif Central, in the Ardèche region. Juvinas is a
very small mountain village, country of chestnuts, goat cheese and trouts,
granitic basement toped by volcanoes among the most recent in France (40-80
ka). Great place to visit!


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