I would like to thank DAVID WALKER publicly for his display of total ignorance.
Not only do you have a rock, NOT A METEORITE DAVID ,but you have exposed our
whole list membership to SPAM and VIRUSES!  Did you even give it some thought
that anyone wanting all their email addresses all posted together might be
UNHAPPY?   DAVID SHOULD BE OFF THIS LIST!  I get about 5 virus letters a day and
about 10-20 spam. David do not send me any email; no photos either, thanks.

To this list I have had it with unthinking persons like the above.  Sorry to
have vented my anger for you all to see.  This person, Mr. David, should get a
job at Paypal or Ebay! LOL

If for some reason this is not the fault of David, I apologize.  But I believe
it is because Art Jones will not allow a photo attachment of this size to be on
the list.  ART?

Dirk Ross....Tokyo

Rosemary Hackney wrote:

> lol Al.. and you do have my CC #s hidden.. right  ;-)
> Rosie
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "almitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "Meteorite List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 9:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Pay Pal update
> > Hi Mark and all,
> >
> > I have a few people gripe that they can't make pay pal payments (or other
> online payments) to me on my ebay sells. It is what just happened to you
> (and your not the first or is this the first time this has happened) the
> reason for my NOT taking online payments. It is fairly easy to set up an
> account with your personal bank and take visa or mastercharge. To my way of
> thinking I want to keep things simple and why I only offer the one method to
> take charge cards. I even offer to call the high bidders up and take their
> information if they wish so they aren't even out a phone call.
> >
> > It is important to make payments easy for people buying from you but loose
> a few thousand dollars one time and you'll be making it up in sells for a
> long time. If people are too bothered to call or let me call them for charge
> card information then perhaps they need to get outside away from the
> computer and get some fresh air. All my best to everyone!
> >
> > --AL Mitterling
> >
> >
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