Contest #8

Before I flame out into that great strewnfield in the sky, I have two places 
I need to visit in a meteoritical sense:

1. Chassigny, France. 

Bruno and Carine (or perhaps young Master LaBenne) would hopefully join me as 
interpreters as we go chateau-to-chateau asking the residents about any 
strange rocks that might have become curious, if forgotten family heirlooms. 
It's been awhile since the fall, like 187 years, so none of this fragile 
stuff will be found on the ground. But perhaps in the back of la junque 

2. Alexandria, Egypt.

Not to look for Nakhla, but to look for a faded copy of a neighborhood 
arabic-language paper, probably printed on recycled papyrus, that tells of 
the fall of Egypt's first meteorite. Why? Simply because it would be 
"interesting". No more, no less. Interesting. The library in Alexandria would 
be the last, best hope for such a paper.

Kevin Kichinka


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