hello list hello all
thanks for all your emails , i was happy to answer
i enjoy writing to you; its nice to have friend all over
the world ,i have sold nwa1460 stone to nelson oakes in usa
his email is [EMAIL PROTECTED] website is
please email to nelson oakes he is the best partner i have
in usa , he could sell the nwa1460 and the ungrouped
primitive achondrite , and the milted breccia.
he agree to sold 10 gr from the 70 gr and he want to keep
the rest.
after you asked me abaout nwa 1460 how it could be paired
with nwa480, here is the scientists analisis by dr tony
irving from whashington dc.
Northwest Africa 1460
        Purchased 2002 June
        Martian meteorite (basaltic shergottite)
Small fragments of a 70.2 g complete stone with a fresh,
black fusion crust were provided to A. and G. Hupé (Hupé)
for petrological analysis by a Moroccan dealer habibi
abdelaziz in 2002 January, and eventually the stone was
purchased by N. Oakes (Oakes) for more detailed studies.
Dimensions: 47 mm by 34 mm by 27 mm. Classification and
mineralogy (A. Irving and S. Kuehner, UWS): Very fresh and
coarse grained, with large pale yellow-green pyroxene and
glassy maskelynite laths clearly visible. Ophitic texture.
Zoned pyroxenes have cores of orthopyroxene (Fs20Wo3,
FeO/MnO = 35.3) mantled by augite (Fs26Wo29, FeO/MnO =
57.0) with rims of Fe-rich pigeonite (Fs76Wo16, FeO/MnO =
43.7). Plagioclase (maskelynite) is relatively homogeneous
(Ab51Or1-2). Fe-bearing merrillite, Cl-bearing apatite,
exsolved Fe-Ti oxides (titanomagnetite and ilmenite),
chromite and pyrrhotite also are present. Fine
symplectitic intergrowths of fayalite+Fe-Ti oxide+silica
occur along grain boundaries between merrillite and
pigeonite. Textures and mineral compositions are
essentially identical to those in the 28 g basaltic
shergottite NWA 480, with which this sample is considered
to be paired. Specimens: type specimen, 15 g, and two
polished thin sections, UWS; main mass, Oakes.

[Oakes = Nelson Oakes, RR1, Box 50C, Union Dale, PA 18470-
971 email::::[EMAIL PROTECTED])))
phone= 5702229592)))
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