My criteria for a hunt would have to include:
- good chance of finding something
- sense of adventure
- scenery
- dark skies
I'd have to vote for the Australian outback.  A helicopter tour of craters (with a couple of hours and a metal detector at each) and then about a week just rambling around the desert.
Best Regards to all,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 5:40 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Contest #8...Free Canyon Diablo

Hello List,
Its Meteorite Contest #8.  I havent given away any irons yet, so lets start with a classic.  The prize in this contest is a 53 gram Canyon Diablo. 
To have a chance to win the Canyon Diablo...answer the following, borrowed from my archive of Meteorite Contest Ideals left over from Contest #6....
If you could go meteorite hunting anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?  
Please send e-mail to the list, contest will be open till next monday.
Thanks, Mark Bostick
PS: I wouldnt go to Antarctica, way to cold...brrrr

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