Meteorite's Location Found In Siberia
Alexander Batalin
Russian Information Agency Novosti
October 28, 2002

Scientists from Irkutsk (Siberia) have located the site in the Irkutsk Region's 
north where a meteorite fell on September 25 at night. 

According to Sergey Yazev, director of the Irkutsk State University's 
observatory, who returned last Sunday from an expedition, trees broken or 
chopped by the meteorite's fragments were found 37 km from the Mama settlement.
No fragments of the sky body which exploded in the atmosphere have been found, 
as the area in the forest is covered with deep snow now. 

In spring, scientists from Irkutsk and their colleagues of the Russian Academy 
of Sciences Meteorite Committee are going to organise a more large-scale 
expedition. According to Yazev, the meteorite's stone must contain a substance 
having more than four billion years of age, which has a great value for studying 
the history of the solar system's formation. 

The meteorite's location was found due to the research of Irkutsk seismologists 
and an American satellite which fixed the flash of the sky body exploding in the 
air. Originally the meteorite was thought to have fallen in the Bodaibo district. 

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