Mike wrote:

> Does anyone have any information on Tulia b. I believe only
> one stone was found but, that is all the information I have.

Gregory wrote:

> Swisher County, Texas. Found 1917, recognized 1982. Stone,
> Olivine-hypersthene chondrite (L6). Some material in collections
> labelled Tulia is L-group and not H-group material. 2153 g obtained
> by H. Nininger in 1940 by the Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Chicago is L6
> material, as is BM 1959, 991.


> I leave it to Bernd to add several
> more pages of excellent info ...;-)

Hello all!

Unfortunately, all I can add here is a repost:

Frank wrote on Sep. 19, 2001:

> I recently acquired a thin section of Tulia (a) which is classified
> in the COM as a brecciated H3/4. It is being sold as this from several
> dealers. Under the scope, however, it appears my Tulia (a) is a higher
> petrographic grade than a 3 or 4. The chondrule boundaries aren't very
> sharp and everything appears somewhat recrystallized. After looking at
> the thin section, I vaguely remembered reading somewhere that Tulia (a)
> might have been misclassified due to a mix-up with another meteorite.

I responded:

> Hi Frank and List,

> There is a Tulia (a), a brecciated H3-4 and Tulia (b), an L6 chondrite.
> But such a large number of stones were found in the Tulia-Dimmitt area,
> that some may actually be Dimmitt stones (H4 regolith breccia). Maybe
> the following reference may be useful:

> HUSS G.I. (1982) Sorting out the many falls of the
> Tulia-Dimmitt area (Meteoritics 17, 1982, 229-230).

Best regards,


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